Sea Kayak with Gordon Brown Vol 3
SeaKayak er DVD'en for både den erfarne og nybegynderen indenfor kajaksejlads.
Denne er den nyeste om navigation, rul, førstehjælp og håndtering af nødsituationer.
SeaKayak er DVD'en for både den erfarne og nybegynderen indenfor kajaksejlads.
Denne er den nyeste om navigation, rul, førstehjælp og håndtering af nødsituationer.
Gordon Browns DVD, Vol 3 om navigation, rul, førstehjælp og nødsituationer.
Læs her, hvad producenten skriver:
The third production in this series features four separate sea kayak coaching films HANDLING EMERGENCY SITUATIONS - Lifeboat and Coastguard rescue professionals advise on essential safety equipment, attracting attention and how to help yourself in an emergency. 46 mins SEA KAYAK NAVIGATION - From tidal basics to advanced course shaping this coaching session emphasises practical navigation techniques and is co-presented Franco Ferrero, author of the definitive manual on sea kayak navigation. 47 mins ROLLING CLINIC - A unique interactive rolling clinic in which Gordon demonstrates most common mistakes then shows how to fix them. You diagnose your own faults and teach yourself to roll. 41 mins FIRST AID KITS - Advice from Rowland Woollven of WEMSI International on first aid kits for sea kayakers and handling realistic medical emergencies. 20 mins
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